N° 254 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | | AAWering
/"_ __J U LL ___\
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/ F FJ-LJJ ["""'
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N° 256 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | FR | Ascii Art Ascii Art ou comment passer de caractères sans vie à des images d'art. L'art ascii n'est-il pas le dixième art ?
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N° 255 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | UK | ASCII Art Section Here you will find some of my favorite ascii art...none of which I created myself.
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N° 260 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | UK | ASCII Artwork Not content to be limited by the text of ASCII, people since the beginning of computer communication have used the given character set of a system to express themselves artistically.
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N° 257 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | UK | chris.com Important note: I swear! This is my entire collection of ASCII artwork!
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N° 253 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | FR-UK | ClarK magazine
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N° 699 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | UK | Flight 175 This piece contains a disclaimer before it loads. The work is much more depressing to me
than I had expected it to be, and I have found the reactions of people who have seen it
before I announced it have invariably been silent.
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N° 582 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | UK | Muz's_Homepage Hello and welcome to the @MuzzyBee website. On this website you will find an ASCII-ART gallery (art work that is comprised of ASCII characters only!). Currently this gallery contains practically nothing. I'm hoping to fill this gallery up with contributio
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N° 259 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | uk | SoHo/2695/links List of LINKS to ascii Art sites
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N° 258 | artist_art-web | ascii_art | * | | UK | XXXanim XXXanim
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